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Thinking of selling your stamps?

Why choose us


We have decades of experience of buying stamps. We have purchased everything from major exhibtion collections and entire dealers stocks to modern stamps that have been purchased straight from the post office.  


We travel extensively throughout the UK. If your collection has enough value, we are willing to travel to see it at no extra cost. If we think that it will be more efficent and work out that we can pay you more then we can arrange to have the collection picked up using Parcelforce.


Our business model works on having a high turnover of stock, which means low profit margins. We always need new material to we have to pay top prices. We cannot afford to waste your time or our own by making unrealistic offers that will not stand up to comparison. 


As a GOLD PTS member we have signed up to a code of ethics that ‘All forms of business and business practice in connection with stamp dealing shall be carried out creditably and with professional integrity to the highest commercial standards and the principles of good trading shall be upheld’. It is not in our interest as a business to jeopardise a long established reputation for a short-term profit. 


All out offers are bank by immediate payment. If we agree on a price you will be paid there and then by bank transfer. From £250 - £100,000. It's that simple. 

Auction Commission

If you choose to sell your stamps directly to us then you will not have to pay any auction commission, lotting fees, storage fees, or unsold charges. If we make you an offer then that is what we pay you. 

However, if you would prefer to auction your stamps then we would like to recommend Plumridge and co

Their commission rates are amongst the lowest in the stamp trade. 

Having a quantity of my late husband's stamp collection in storage waiting to be sold, I was grateful to have a home visit from J.Curtin's very pleasant colleague. I received a reasonable quotation there and then, with a promise of more cash should anything of more value turn up amongst the lot.
A month later this proved to be the case, so I am really impressed with the prompt and courteous professional service from this company.



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